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About us
Полимерная упаковка.
Надёжная. Безопасная. Экологичная
720000, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 303 Ch. Aitmatov Ave.
Bishkek Free Economic Zone (Ak-Chiy village)

About HTI Group

HTI Group provides innovative and effective solutions in the field of technology, providing a comprehensive approach to solving business problems. Cooperation with HTI Group guarantees professionalism and high quality services, which contributes to the successful development of your business.

5 Reasons to Work with HTI Group

Brand recognition
Product preservation
Quality raw materials
Work experience
Smart technologies

  • Continuous production 24/7
  • Production area of 7500 square meters.
  • High productivity
  • Wide and constantly updated range of polymer containers from 250 ml to 21 liters in volume
  • Wide geographical coverage with the presence of official distributors and warehouses of finished products in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan

Successful Experience Since 1999!


Our experts have professional knowledge in the field of packaging, always help to find the best solution for you. We offer a full range of services from packaging selection to label design.
We guarantee high quality and individual approach to each client. Cooperating with us, you will get unique packaging that will make your product stand out in the market.

Increasing Recognition


Advantages of our packaging:
  • Resistance to high and low temperatures
  • Resistant to mechanical and technical impact
  • Resistant to repeated bending
  • One-to-one stackability
  • Airtightness and durability
  • Availability of control seal
  • Can be used on automatic filling lines
  • Wide palette of colors
  • Decorated with IML and dry offset printing technology
  • Recyclable and reusable
  • Safe for food storage
  • Meets the requirements and quality standards of the EAEU

Guarantee of Safety

Application area:
Food industry
Chemical industry
Pharmaceutical and medical industries

We use only Certified and tested granulated polypropylene from global manufacturers, only virgin raw materials.
Our products are 100% recyclable. Our raw materials are not active to food products.
Our manufacturing processes comply with strict international quality and safety standards. We are proud that our products contribute to sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

We Use the Best Raw Materials


The technological process of manufacturing rigid thin-walled polymer packaging consists in the application of injection molding method, the advantage of which is high productivity. Our production is equipped with modern high-tech equipment of the world's leading manufacturers.

In the choice of equipment we focus on "smart technologies" and high-tech equipment, which help to reduce energy costs, have high productivity and reliability, allow for careful and efficient consumption of raw materials and make our production environmentally safe and harmless. All production lines are fully automated from the beginning of raw material feeding to the output of finished products.

Our technicians have been trained in Austria, Turkey, Germany and Italy on the design and operation of injection molding machines and IML robots and have the relevant certificates. Every year we invite foreign specialists from Japan, Germany and Turkey to upgrade the skills of our employees.

Using "Smart Technology"

Start a partnership
HTI Group is a leading manufacturer of polymer containers with over 20 years of experience. We specialize in creating high quality products, constantly updating our range from 250 ml to 21 liters. Our company is renowned for its customer focus and innovation, which allows us to successfully develop and meet the needs of our customers. When you choose HTI Group, you choose reliability, quality and advanced solutions.
Start a partnership
Our Quality
Your Advantage
Advantages of HTI products
HTI Group products are not only high quality polymer containers in a variety of shapes and sizes, but also a guarantee of impeccable quality backed by our long-standing reputation and customer-oriented approach. Our innovative philosophy ensures that our product range is constantly updated and improved to meet even the most demanding needs. When you buy HTI products, you get more than just tanks, you get a reliable solution for a variety of applications.
Advantages of Our Products
Unrivaled Quality
Our products are of unrivaled quality, thanks to strict inspection standards and the use of advanced manufacturing techniques.
Wide Range
We offer a wide variety of products, including different shapes and sizes, to meet the diverse needs of our customers.
Personalized Approach
We are ready to custom design products to meet each customer's unique needs, providing flexibility and meeting each customer's unique requirements.
High Reliability
Our products are made of high quality materials and pass strict quality control, ensuring reliability and durability in operation.
Innovative Solutions
Our products are equipped with advanced technologies and innovative solutions that help optimize processes and increase production efficiency.
Environmental Friendliness
We are committed to environmental responsibility in the manufacture of our products, utilizing sustainable materials and technologies.
Order a Callback
from a Specialist
Want to learn more about our solutions or find the perfect solution for your business? Leave a request for a callback and our specialist will contact you at a convenient time. Together we will find the optimal solution to make your business thrive!
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info@hti-group.kg, sales@hti-group.kg
720000, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 303 Ch. Aitmatov Ave.
Bishkek Free Economic Zone (Ak-Chiy village)