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Полимерная упаковка.
Надёжная. Безопасная. Экологичная
720000, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 303 Ch. Aitmatov Ave.
Bishkek Free Economic Zone (Ak-Chiy village)

IML decoration

HTI Group's In-Mold Labeling (IML) technology secures the label to the plastic product during molding. This process ensures that the label is securely affixed to complex container shapes without peeling, washing off, and maintaining its original appearance for long periods of time.

IML Decoration for Your Package

Manufacturing process
Areas of use

IML decoration is widely used in the production of food containers such as containers, cans and buckets where component safety is of paramount importance. IML-labeled packaging is used for processed cheese, ice cream, butter and other dairy products.
Injection molded labels are also used in the production of automotive components, toys, electrical products and containers for household chemicals. This technology is especially in demand for the production of canisters for the storage and sale of fuels and lubricants. Oil is poured into the containers in a heated state, which can deform the plastic walls and cause conventional labels to peel off. Fusible labels solve this problem by remaining securely attached to the surface.

Labels are printed on films 50-100 microns thick, made of inexpensive polymeric materials - polypropylene, polystyrene, polyester, polyethylene. Less often paper, vinyl, oriented polypropylene are used for this purpose. Various printing methods are used to apply images and inscriptions to labels:
- offset or digital, if suitable for the base to be printed;
- flexography - a popular method;
- gravure and letterpress printing - advantageous when producing large batches of labels.
Since the materials are molded at high temperatures, heat-resistant inks are used to print fused labels.

Injection-molded IML label
The printed sheet is separated into individual elements on a rotary or flat press. Modern equipment designed for the production of IML labels allows you to get high quality products with a perfect edge.
The fused label is applied to the plastic product in the process of its molding, which can be carried out: blowing into a mold, hot or vacuum stamping, high-pressure molding. As a result of such technology IML-label forms a single unit with the container made of plastic. Complex mechanisms equipped with servo motors can be used for precise label positioning.

Possibility to choose the type of printing that meets the requirements to the decorative appearance and the planned budget.
Label resistance to mechanical impact. Unlike a glued label, IML label cannot be torn off and replaced with another one.
Resistance to moisture and many chemicals, sudden temperature changes, high and low temperatures.
Saving on the implementation of additional operation of labeling.
If high quality printing and consumables are used - clear graphics and photorealistic image.
Possibility to apply high-speed technologies of product packaging, due to the fact that there is no risk of peeling off and damage to the label.
Additional reinforcement of container walls, as the fused label, especially the one that occupies a large part of the surface, serves as a kind of reinforcing element.
Recyclability together with the label.
IML labels are produced in premium or economy quality. Various types of post-printing processing are used to enhance the decorative characteristics of labels. Application of UV varnish on the surface not only additionally decorates the label, but also protects it from negative external factors.

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720000, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 303 Ch. Aitmatov Ave.
Bishkek Free Economic Zone (Ak-Chiy village)