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About us
Полимерная упаковка.
Надёжная. Безопасная. Экологичная
720000, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 303 Ch. Aitmatov Ave.
Bishkek Free Economic Zone (Ak-Chiy village)

Ecological products

Ecological products: caring for the planet
In today's world, a growing concern for ecology and sustainability is driving businesses to create eco-friendly products. HTI Group, a leader in polymer packaging, is actively contributing to the environment with innovative solutions.
HTI Group's polymer packaging is not only durable and convenient, but also environmentally friendly. By using biodegradable materials, the company reduces the negative impact on nature, offering its customers high quality and environmentally friendly products.
How does HTI Group take care of the planet?
Biodegradable materials: packaging that decomposes naturally.
Recycling: using recycled materials in production.
Reducing carbon footprint: optimizing processes to reduce emissions.
Benefits for business and the planet
HTI Group's innovative eco packaging helps businesses reduce costs, strengthen their brand and attract environmentally conscious consumers. Caring for the planet becomes a competitive advantage, driving company growth and development.
HTI Group shows that caring for the planet and a successful business can go hand in hand. By choosing green products, you contribute to environmental protection and support sustainable development.
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from a Specialist
Want to learn more about our solutions or find the perfect solution for your business? Leave a request for a callback and our specialist will contact you at a convenient time. Together we will find the optimal solution to make your business thrive!
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720000, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 303 Ch. Aitmatov Ave.
Bishkek Free Economic Zone (Ak-Chiy village)